Thursday, September 27, 2012

What Don't They Understand

Early in the summer I started a conversation with the Chief of Police in my town. He told me it wasn't allowed. I did my home work and found the State of Missouri had stripped towns of the ability to override state firearms laws. I contacted the Missouri AG office and got their opinion on this issue. I don't know why they can't give an official interpretation, I mean it's a law isn't it?

Dean, unfortunately we can't give an official interpretation, but can give you my personal understanding of the statutes. A court could still disagree.

The legislature preempts political subdivisions in the field of firearms. However, an exception to this is that the regulation of the discharge of firearms is left to the political subdivisions eg municipalities. City councils of third and fourth class cities are specifically required by statute to enact ordinances regulating the discharge of firearms within their borders.

Missouri Attorney General’s office

Missouri Revised Statute 21.750.2 says:

2. No county, city, town, village, municipality, or other political subdivision of this state shall adopt any order, ordinance or regulation concerning in any way the sale, purchase, purchase delay, transfer, ownership, use, keeping, possession, bearing, transportation, licensing, permit, registration, taxation other than sales and compensating use taxes or other controls on firearms, components, ammunition, and supplies except as provided in subsection 3 of this section.

Here's an article about the City Councils action on Monday September 24, 2012.

If you read the article, the police think its OK for their officers to make their own decision in this matter if they encounter anyone on their way to hunt or target shoot outside the city. So you're tooling down the road going to the range when you get stopped for say, going 3 mph over the speed limit. An officer comes to your vehicle and sees that you have either an open gun on your hip or just laying within reach. He decides that a wanton speeder such as you is up to something, so he arrests you for open carry of a firearm. Or maybe he remembers that you testified against him in his spousal abuse hearing. Or maybe , what ever.....
   So not only do they violate State law, they want the cops to to make case by case decisions on this law. Have we progressed back to 1950? The man with the badge makes the law?

I have spent the morning contacting, all my friends in town, my State Rep, my US rep. The Missouri AG office, the Gun Owners of America (GOA), the NRA, FOX 4 TV in Kansas City and finally We'll see if I get any traction.

There are other statutes that pertain to section 21 and they deal with definitions, banning open carry in certain parks and preserves and other general stuff. No where does it give towns the ability to override State law. Missouri got rid of firearms pre-emption when concealed carry passed in this state.

We will see how this turns out.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Another Quiet Warning

While perusing the interwebs today I ran across this little nugget,  "Do not go anywhere far from home between now and November. You will not be able to get back home if you do"

We seem to be finding these little warnings from unexpected sources  with an increasing frequency. the last one I wrote about came from a DHS insider. Do any of you have any stories like this from recent sources?

Here's the link to the Don't Go article,

New Project

Recently a woman came into the pawn shop I work at and sold us a Ruger 10-22.  Now this 10-22 looked in good shape until you got to the butt stock where her good ol' daddy had gouged her name into it and tried to inlay some kind of medallion. I mean it, this thing is really ugly. In the end I sold the shop a nice factory stock for the gun and now I have the buggered up stock to work on. I figure to fill the offending areas with a polyester based body putty and then do a Dura Coat finish over the whole thing. I haven't decided which way to go with the stock. A solid muted color or a camo design of one sort or another. We'll see I guess. Another way to keep my hands and mind busy and sharpen my skills. Id post a picture if it wasn't for for the large name on the side of it.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Gained Another!

Welcome Kwani! It's good to have ya here. Feel free to speak your mind and join in with your comments.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Local? Preppers

A while back I had written about my efforts to meet some local preppers. The ad I placed on Craigslist in the groups heading bore no fruit. Two men contacted me and wanted to know what preppers were even though my ad was explicit. And that was it.
 In my wanderings of the interwebs though, I ran across the Kansas City preppers group though the MeetUp site. The next meeting is in TOPEKA KANSAS. Not exactly the KC area. It's further KC to Topeka than it is from Excelsior Spring to KC. I know with this kind of activity such as prepping you have a small group that is willing to make it public but geeze, I think KC to Topeka is around about sixty five miles. I'll keep and eye on them and see if a meeting comes up in in my AO. If any of you are in the Eastern Kansas region you might want to take this in. The knowledge you gain there may come in handy sooner than you think.

Add One

Welcome Craig! Thanks for joining us here at the Midwest Rebel. Feel free to join in and comment on anything.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

One Gone

I see I've lost a follower of this site. Sorry if I pissed someone off but, it does say right on the header, Caution: Sharp words, ideas and commentary. Have a nice day!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Another 200 Million

The Department Of Homeland Security is at it again. They are soliciting bids for another 200 million rounds of ammo. I suppose this is all for training too. You an I know what it's for. It's for war on the American people. Various government agencies have made it known that we are not meant to be free. There has been a leak from DHS claiming there will be a false flag operation if Obama looses the election. This false flag event will paint right wing, white, conservative gun owners and talk show hosts as the culprits. This action will precipitate martial law and an end to elections. And an end to the United States of America as founded by our forefathers. I tell ya folks, stock up. Stock up on everything.  

A Rant, A Project and a Return

I see the White Horse is leading the Dark horse for now. I don't know that it makes a difference which one gets in the Oval Office. I know one will restore dignity to the office, might not piss off our allies, and might actually act like a president but will he be able to fix the economy and job issues? The only way to get real meaningful changes accomplished died with the assassination of the Paul campaign. Thank you very much you lying pieces of shit, MSNBC, FOX News, Bill O'Reilly, CBS, CNN, NBC, Rachel Maddow and all the other media morons that cheated Dr. Paul out of debates, equal airtime and/or accused him of all kinds of ass hattery.

We are still kowtowing to a bunch of rag heads because of a stupid fucking film on YouTube. They are trashing our sovereign territories aka, Embassies, and killing our personnel and we are doing squat about it.We need a financial wizard that knows how to use a big stick in the office of President. Not some milquetoast, moron that has been foisted upon us.

Oh, the Project 94...Here are a few pics of some of the small parts and the magazine tube and barreled action I finally got finished. It's been a long time coming but with 2 part time jobs, lethargy, the short term break up, and a host of other things I have had a hard time getting this done. The receiver is a horror story. It will not take the bluing. It darkened on the first coat and will not get any darker and is streaked and swirled. I have contacted Brownells about the problem and they told me that the post '64 Winchesters used a crappy alloy for the receivers and no, it will not take a blue. When I filed the receiver it seem more like an anodized coating instead of hot blue. So I will have to use Dura Coat in the Glossy Black color. After a couple of hours comparing colors to the parts, the glossy black seemed to give the best match. Here are the results...

The magazine tube
 The barreled action
 A side of crap
 The other side of crap
 Small parts
The picture of the receiver doesn't really show the  true condition of the finish.  A few more internal parts to blue and a spray of the receiver and then I can start the re-assembly of the gun. I really do like this creme form of Brownells Oxpho Blue. Outstanding results that look like blue/black chrome. Very nice.

Speaking of guns, I just saw on FaceBook that Savage is reviving the model 42 over/under shotgun/rifle. Instead of lustrous walnut wood it has matte injection moulded plastic. I see the price of originals skyrocketing now.

Monday, September 17, 2012

A Little Late MILFs On Monday

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Sunday, September 16, 2012

Just A Few More Things

Yeah, just a few more...
Old Stearman Biplanes
Sexy women
1963 Impala's

The Rocky Mountains

Sexy women

1967 Chevy II's

Whitetail Deer


And of course attractive redheads

Saturday, September 15, 2012

More Things I like

Just a few...

Colt 1911 Pistols
German Shephards

Sexy Women

Thirty Carbines

Rhodesian Ridgeback Dogs

Good Looking Women in Bib Overalls

Old Savage Pistols

Simple Log Cabins

And of course redheaded women

More Things I like

Yeah, There's more!

Jeep Scramblers
SOG Trident
 My MAK 90

Good looking women
 Real Money

Friday, September 14, 2012

A Weekend of What I Like

These are some of the things I like.


El Camino's

Women in cut offs and boots
Two Door Tahoe's
Women in bikini's and boots

Double Rifles

Good looking women

Bobbed Duece's
 Chevy K5 Blazers
Sawed off shotguns

 Brunettes with pale skin

M14/M1A1 Rifles

Good looking women

The Rebel Flag

Red headed women
I think you get the idea now. Right?