Saturday, April 18, 2015

A Short Story

I ran across this short story by Matt Bracken tonight. It is a very insightful fiction story. It has a powerful message for todays news dramas. I encourage everyone to read this and think about todays news, politics, beliefs and the entertainment driven lives that we experience in this current time.

Matt Bracken, "Alas, Brave New Babylon"

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Confederate Grave Yard Visit

Last week I visited the Missouri Confederate Rest Home and Cemetery. The rest home is long gone and only one of the cottages and the Chapel remain. There are a couple of other building but they are now part of a State rehab project.

This is only one of two rest home like this. There used to be a dormitory and a series of 3 room cottages on 100 x 200 foot plots as well as workers dorm and a hospital.
The Daughters of the confederacy donated the beautiful guardian lion and other groups donated the furnishing for the cottages. The site is now a State property.

This place was for indignant confederate  veterans, their spouses and minor children. After the last Confederate died here the dorm was torn down and a group acquired it to preserve it, then the State bought it and maintains it (not very well)
   There is an office with posted hours but is never manned. The Chapel has posted hours and is always padlocked shut. So much for that. Here are some pictures I took of this venerable, hallowed place when I went to commune with my soul mates and kindred spirits. Long Live The Confederacy!

As a side note, the old soldiers, after the war, were proud Americans. They took delight in the daily raising of the United States Flag. Theirs was so large it could be seen in the county seat, Lexington Missouri, 6 miles away. At this time it is not permitted to fly any Confederate Flag here. If the graves are adorned with small flags they must be removed when you leave. No grave decoration are allowed.

If you are in Missouri, this great place is just North of Higginsville Missouri on Missouri State 13 Highway. Check it out as there is only one other place like it in the country.










Don't know why some of  the pictures doubled up and I cannot remove them since I adjusted the jpeg kb amount.