Friday, April 17, 2009

More BANG for the Buck

Pretty much everyone knows that guns are selling faster than ice cubes in hell right now. And, everyone knows that the time, they are rough and the dollars are stretched pretty thin.
So what's a person to do if funds are low and you feel the need to acquire that first firearm or simply add to the current collection. The answer is to make those dollars go further.
Today will be the first in a weekly series on economical firearms. For this first installment we will cover a good all purpose shotgun, the venerable Mossberg 500 series.
First a few specs.
stocks: wood or polymer
receiver: aluminum
finish: blued, camo, parkerized
magazine capacity(w/o plug: 4-8
barrel length: 18.5 to 28 inches
length of pull: 14 inches standard, other available
sights: bead, rifle type, fiber optic or ghost ring
MSRP: all purpose field shotgun $354.00
used prices: as low as 100 bucks
Now for some general information.
The 500 was designed in 1960 and hit the retail shelves in 1961 and is still in production today. Originally provided with a single slide action bar by 1970 the system was changed to a dual bar action. Lock up is via a single large locking lug that engages a recess in the top of the barrel tang. This design does no necessarily rely on the strength of the receiver. The design of this gun makes it very easy to disassemble for cleaning, repair or upgrades.
This series includes the 500, 505, 535, 590 models. Currently the the line is offered in 12 and 20 gauges and .410 bore. The can be had in blue, camo and parkerized finishes. The sub model 590 is a military style shotgun and the 590A1 can be acquired as a 14 inch barrel Title II weapon. A marine version is available with a corrosion resistant MarineCote finish. Depending on the configuration, 500's can be used for hunting, police, trap and skeet, military and even as a .50 caliber muzzle loader.


500-field and all purpose
505-youth model
535-3.5 inch chamber version of the 500 family
590-civilian, police and military model

500 Guide

500A-12 gauge
500B-16 gauge (discontinued)
500C-20 gauge
500D-.410 bore

In the 500 A&C we can have a reasonably priced, dependable home and personal defense weapon, a tool for procuring game and a target sports firearm with the base MSRP of $354.00 and used specimens as low as 100 bucks. Here is an example of a used one. If you shop at the big box retailers you can pick up bird shot, slugs and buckshot on the cheap.
So, keep your eyes open and your wallet ready to draw.

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