Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Daily Carry

Here is a picture of what I carry everyday. From the 12 o'clock position... Rock Island Armory Officers model .45 acp outfitted with the Express Sights Big Dot tritium setup. Add a McCormick ss mag and the Novak mag that came with the gun, all mags full of 230 grain Gold Dot Hollow points. Then comes the Taurus PT-22 with 3 mags of CCI mini mags for a total of 27 .22 long rifles cartridges. Over at the 9 o'clock area is a Gerber shortcut multitool and above that is a Schrade X Timer lock back. The .45 and the spare mag go in leather by Wild Bills Concealment with the Taurus going in a generic "wallet style" concealment device. If I am working on a jobsite the guns go in a Craftsman tool bag along with a Sure Fire flashlight, a spare knife (Cold Steel Endura) and some 550 paracord. In an office setting the same stuff goes in my laptop case or briefcase. Most jobsites and offices have a NO WEAPONS policy so that makes things a little tricky. I am looking for an inside the waist band holster for the .45 that I can afford on my current limited budget. They are out there but I prefer a quality rig over one that I will have to replace frequently.
As to the knife, I got a hell of a deal on this model as a close out from Smokey Mountain Knifeworks. I bought 4 of them and gave two as gifts and kept 2 for me. Depending on the situation, I at times, substitute a Gerber folding Applegate/Fairbairn in a horizontal carry or a Cold Steel Scimitar.
I wonder what Obama carries? He's gonna to need a big stick, what with Korea and Iran acting up. Then Israel is bucking his wishes and proceeding to build in existing settlements which will be an excuse for the Palestinians and their ilk to resume the rocket and bomb attack on Israel who will respond with all their might.. Speaking of Israel, they may be looking at preemptive strike on Iran. Again. Didn't Say It Ain't So Joe predict/reveal this in the campaign for president?

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