Friday, May 1, 2009

Random stuff

CRAP! Yesterday was not Friday! I usually post the economical gun dealy on Friday and I screwed up and did it in Thursday.

Missouri is one signature away from having semi-lid free helmet law. If you are 21 you will be able to ride a cycle without a helmet on state and county highways and city streets but not on the Interstate highways. Watch the news... where do the majority of the motorcycle accidents happen? On state and county highways and city streets. Why is this state so f'd up! Dammit! If it's going to be riders choice give them the right to FULL choice. I for one, would rather ride lid free on the Interstate than in a city full of texting, cell phone talking, book reading, makeup applying, kid smacking, dazed and confused motorists.

Do any of you watch RedEye on the Fox channel? Wow, they call it the Fox channel for a reason. Last night Greg Gutfield had on his panel S. E. Cupp and Anna Gilligan. Dayyumm! Patty Ann Brown is frequently a guest. She is also known as The Notorious PAB.

I want to get out the AR more often but with the ammo situation the way it is I don't. I really want/neeeed a .22 long rifle conversion. I have seen the bolt/carrier replacements for as low as 139 and cmmg has one with a Black Dog magazine for around 200 and Bushmaster had a complete upper for a little over 450 but I don't see it on their site any more.

I was talking to a young man the other day and he wanted to know how I stocked up 3K 22 rounds. Easy, every time I go to a gun shop or Wally World I buy a box of 50 or 100 or 525 and the next thing you know there's 3 thousand or more in your 22 box.

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