Tuesday, May 5, 2009

We need a gun ban? Yehaa its a Posse Comitatus!

This guy makes a point that maybe there is a gun ban we need. It's a little bit of a stretch to make the constitutional point but, his discussion does have some merit. I do agree with the view that the Militia is every freeman from 15 to 50 and should be armed with weapons currently in use. After all the Militia is meant to be a deterrent to an overly strong central government and it's hard to do that with the armaments that the unconstitutional standing army has in their inventory.

Don't we still have a Posse Comitatis act in the Constitution? It seems like the government is taking big bites out of that. Here is a picture of Military Policemen on duty at............................................................................................................... the Kentucky Derby. There are more and more reports of MP's and infantry being used for crowd control, accident investigations and traffic control as well as assisting local cops with crime situations. I got a lot of this from www.infowars.com as the google search I did returned very little information and Infowars is petty much the only place that regularly reports on these violations.

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