Monday, June 8, 2009

Goooooo Tennessee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Tennessee Senate has passed a Made iN Tennessee bill that mimics those of idaho and Texas. The bill is on the Govnahs desk now.

Damn! I'm tired. I work 2 days on and then a day off and then 3 days on and a day off. That's not enough time off for this beat up old body to heal. If I had know what life was going to be like I wouldn't have played as hard. Hey! maybe that's what the kids are doing. Resting now for what may come later. Yeah, that's it.

There's a stranger on my land
And I've got a gun in my hand
It's a gman, a gman on my land
But I've got a shovel and a gun
That will get this thing done
That and a closed mouth will keep me free
They've got bullets and they've got rope
And they've got heart stoppin' dope
But they've got nothin'
They've go nuthin'
That can take away my hope

That just popped into my head as fast as I could type it. Weird, huh?

It's strange, the things you can do with charcoal. Look at the charcoal blue on this Colt .45. Absolutely beautiful.
Speaking of beautiful....Look here.

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