Thursday, July 2, 2009

Lotsa Junk

We all know that some people want to do away with guns. Some folks are even scared to travel with them, fearing some leftist search and seizure routine. I regularly carry in my personal autos and due to Missouri's CCW law I can even do it concealed with out a permit. Since I quit flying when they decided to treat average Americans as the enemy, I have no experience with air travel and guns. This guy does.

The goddess speaks of the recent overturning of Sotomejors firefighter ruling. Take a gander.

Are you in the need of a new AR? One of my favorite bloggers is part of a new company making high quality AR15's. The company is Crusader Weaponry. The recently advertised prices are not out of line and they are built to exacting standards. Keep these guys in mind when you want to get a new black gun.

As I have mentioned on a couple of occasions..there is more than a little evidence to support the idea that the Chosen One may be Muslim. Check out this place called The Obama File.

Sorry for making this a link fest lately. With the new job and trying to adjust to the split(m, tu on wed off. th, fr, sa on sun off) work week I am not getting any research done for any meaningful postings. Bear with me please.

This is my favorite holiday. Independence Day. All it means, all it can mean and all it has meant. I view the awesome displays as re-creations of the battles that bought our freedoms. The next time you witness an fireworks display, think of it as echos of cannon and musket fire from the past. And remember that it may all come to pass again. If you think that it takes special people to fight a revolution, well you may be right. That is if by special you mean farmers, mechanics, lawyers and such. Because that's what the signers of the Declaration of Independence were. Common people who gave up everything to state their convictions. Would you do the same?

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