Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Another cool rainy day. Said once, said again...what's up with that globull warming theory? The weather liars are calling for a rainy morning also. It looks like we'll be finishing that roof project in the rain.
I came home Tuesday evening cold and hurtin'. After a HOT shower and a hotpad on my shoulder I put some Sombra cream on my shoulders, knees and wrists. I felt much better in the morning.

The stock market is up and so is gold. What's up with that. I'm no economist but it seems like an indication that the stock market price is not here for long. But what do I know?

The largest GM dealer in town, which is one of the biggest in Kansas City is having ....a used car sale. I guess they're trying to reclaim some of the market from the smaller used car dealers that are selling the lions share of cars in this town and others. This should be interesting as they have never had reasonable used car prices.

I gave up on listening to any news over the last few days. I do read all my favorite bloggers though. Maybe I'm "newsed out" which is bad as I'm kind of a news junky. I can barely stand to hear all the insinuations and outright lies put forth by the news outlets. Contrary to what the White House says FOX News ain't bad but they carry the same information on every show all day and night.

This really pisses me off. I understand the flag ban has been lifted but it should not have been enacted in the first place. I have been told that the BP station in this town will turn off the pumps if a serviceman in uniform tries to get gas. I can't wait for my son to come home the next time. I'll be sure to have him bring his uniform and we'll try to get some gas. Can you guess who owns this particular station? Let's just say his speech has a definite Mideastern accent.

That's all for today.

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