Monday, November 23, 2009

Hey, it was my anniversary on the 21st. One year of unemployment. Whatta day to commemorate. I keep hearing that the job situation is getting better, as Missouri's slogan me. Local job openings are geared towards people that have no responsibilities like house payments, utility bills, insurance, car payment, etc. Meaning most of the local jobs are filled by the countless teenagers closely followed by the retirees looking to augment their meager SSI or pension payments. In this town we have Sonic, Pizza Hut, McDonald's, Arbeys, Applebee's, KFC/Taco Bell, Subway, Quizno's mostly staffed by teeny boppers. The local Wal Mart and Orschelins rarely hire. The local seat factory is laying people off and the pasta plant isn't hiring. Driving outward for a job is not really an option now as the offered 7-9 dollars an hour for most available jobs scarcely covers the gas to commute. What a world we are living in now when unemployment pays more than actual jobs.

Have your heard about the 1918 type flu that has hit the Ukraine? The network news isn't saying a damn thing about it. Parts of Croatia are fully quarantined due to the virulent nature of this bug. It is a hemorrhagic type of infection that destroys the lungs. Gee, I guess no one really needs to know about this bad boy of flu bugs even if there are suspected cases in Iowa. So take precautions. Wash your hands frequently, doe up on P51 Oil of Oregano, take you vitamins, stop all that hand shaking. Read up on how to avoid the flu and follow those guidelines religiously.

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