Monday, January 4, 2010

Another good screwin'. Some gun stuff

The more things"change" the more they stay the same. The asshats in congress are giving the SOB's at Fannie May and Freddie Mac a blank check. These are the idiots that started the massive housing finance collapse. In addition to getting the blank check there are no restriction being placed on these "financial institutions" as there have been on all other banks and lenders. This appears to be another method to socialize the US. Take our hard earned tax money(IRS), give it to a federal department(Fannie and Freddie) that will distributed to people (substandard borrowers). Socialism pure and simple. Redistribution of wealth. How do you feel about that?

How many vacations has the 1st family taken in their first year in office? I dunno but, they're just getting back from Hawaii again. Add in all the "date nights", the shopping expeditions and private concerts and it''s really looking like a third world country led by an inept, corrupt dictator.

We are looking at another week of frigid temperatures here in Missouri. We are expecting a high of 10 today. I think the high for the week is supposed to be 15 or so. Thursday night will be something like minus 8. And we got another 2-3 inches of snow yesterday. I hate to see my gas bill for this month.

I got the FIE shotgun done and returned and I have to say, It sure looks good. My friend is happy with it too. Now I can turn my attention to Dad's Model 60. I have ordered a DVD from American Gunsmithing(AGI). This one is about the 1911 type pistols. Since I'm refinishing mine I thought I'd better learn how to disassemble the frame so I can coat it and add the other part I have planned on. AGI had a special going. If you bought one off this list at regular price you get one on this other list for free. So I've also got a free DVD about the 1894 Winchester rifle coming. They would let you order up to 3 on the sale but I only had the bucks for 1. That's a hell of a deal, 2 for 1 and up to 6 for 3.

I have a Springfield Armory XD 45. It has the highly acclaimed nitride type finish (Melonite) on it. In the short time I have been carrying it in the XD holster the "durable" finish has been rubbed off. Can you guess which of my guns is going to get the duracoat treatment next?

With a previous employer holding up my unemployment claim we have not been able to set aside anything for preparedness. The good news is my claim has been freed up and I should see a deposit this week. I think what we will set aside this time is cash. I'd say cold, hard cash but we as a country don't use cold, hard cash anymore. Just worthless paper. I may try to convert some of the cash into actual money.

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