Wednesday, April 28, 2010

The Joys Of Dual Home Ownership

I can say for certain that owning two homes is getting to be a pain. Working on the recently acquired house leads to neglect of the current home. We have had a bout of cool rainy weather lately which , as we all know, grows grass. So now I have my home , my new home, and my neighbors yard all wearing a 4-5 inch topcoat. To top it off, while mowing the new yard a couple weeks ago I hit something and knocked the fly wheel loose on my Toro. It's in the shop. The warranty will cover it. The Cub Cadet came down with an electrical version of the flu last fall and up to today I haven't been able to figure it out. A shop is coming to pick it up in the morning. So now we are "down" to the old Wheel Horse B-80. This tractor was given to me by a neighbor last spring. It has sat for over a year. Today I cleaned all the electrical connections, installed all new gas lines, cleaned the spark plug, filled it with new gas and some carb cleaner(B-12) and installed a new battery. A shot of ether to get it going and it runs like a top. Tomorrow it will get badly needed new front tires and a mowing we will go. After an oil change.

Treasures and Cleanup

We had another dumpster placed at the new home today. We have filled about 30 contractor bags with debris that needs to be hauled off. The bags won't come close to filling the dumpster so we are going to spend at least a half hour every night going through 27 years of accumulation to trim down the tonnage for the big move. I guess I'll have to get rid of some of my "treasures". My Grandfather always had the most amazing collection of hardware, parts, tools and useful stuff. I pretty much grew up in his garage. Sooooo.... I have built a pretty good collection of hardware, parts, tools and useful stuff. I have always wanted to be just like grandad and be the person everyone came to to get that "one" thing that couldn't be found anywhere else. I guess I'll have make my inventory a little on the lighter side. Until I get a garage extension built!

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