Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Quitchyerbitchin' and some progress

Damn! I've been sanding drywall this morning and it's killin' my shoulders. Flat out sucks! Put it on, take it off. Repeat as needed. Back in the 80's I dislocated my right shoulder in a major fight. Then add in the years running jackhammers, sledgehammers and shovels, weight lifting and miscellaneous drunken sports such as full contact wiffle ball and you get a fucked up body. Well now all I have left to do today is mow 2 yards. I should say I'm only doing two today. Rain is coming in and I have to get my primary yard done and that of the paying customer. I usually have 4 to do on Monday. Any way I'm already beat and I'm not done yet. OK enough of the bitchin.

I planted a few tomato plants this year and I have been getting 1-3 ripe ones every day. Now I'm waiting on the next round of little ones to grow up and keep me in 'maters for a while longer.
I bought a bunch of habenaro's at the farmers market. I'll use them to make up another batch of my honey habenaro sauce. Pretty good stuff. I even bought those little bottles (they call them woozies) to put it in.


I dipped into my stash this morning and ordered a 6 speed tranny for the Harley. A buddy of mine has a shop and told me he'd sell it to me at cost. One of his vendors had an Ultima polished 6 speed for 599. It should be in tomorrow. Now I just need to rebuild the motor.


I got the stock for the Ranger .22 sanded and stained. I'm of two minds as to how it came out. It is birch and birch stocks are notorious for taking stain in some strange patterns. This one came out with some broad tiger stripping on one side. In the light it almost glows around the edges of the dark bands. We'll see what the neighbor thinks. I receive the Oxpho blue from the Brown Truck Of Joy yesterday. So this project is coming together. It ought be pretty nice for a freebie.

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