Caution: Sharp words,ideas and commentary on life politics, family and overall preparedness
Monday, November 7, 2011
Busy Morning
I got up to be greeted by a dreary sky with a promise of rain, one of my favorite kind of days. I called Cherry Pie and found that she diverted to her mothers today instead of going to work. Her mother is in bad shape with cancer and the overnight nurse called her. The nurse says 12-24 hours for her. So that's how her day has been so far. As for me, I have moved the desk top computer off the table we're using for a desk at this time, then moved the laptop to the desk and hooked up the peripherals. The desk top had a fan quit and the mother board over heated. The CPU will only come on for about 15 seconds now. Great. I have years of information stored on that machine. Then I did the daily housekeeping while running a couple of different cleaning style programs on the laptop. Had a meatloaf sandwich for lunch and have started making some chocolate mousse for an epicurean experiment that may become a Thanksgiving dessert. Next I need to hang some sheet rock. Gotta go for now.
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