Saturday, January 14, 2012


There must be a whole bunch of people having the same comment problem I was having. Notice I wrote "was" having. On the help forum this morning there was a thread with the fix. It seems good ol' Google made a change to the comment tool and it's not working well. I just had to change the settings on my comment and wada ya know, it works. YEEEEEEHAAAA! I really was dreading a move to Word Press. This is not the first issue I have had with Blogger, so when this matter came I was ready to make the move.


  1. Gotta admit that I've been poking around with Wordpress this week. Not sure I'll switch, but Blogger is seriously annoying me.

  2. I know what you mean.I was glad to find the remedy for the problem I was having. Good Luck to you!

  3. Moved to Wordpress. Easy process, migrated everything for me.
