Monday, January 2, 2012

We started the new year off by finding some shelving on sale at Lowes. We purchased 2 sets of the 56 inch high models. Upon assembling them and loading all the Thrive foods on them, we decided to go back the next day and get some more. The closest Lowes had only one set of this model left. they called another store to verify stock and off we went. We brought four more units home. These units have 4 shelves and are 55 inches high which allows us to use the top shelf in our slightly over six foot high basement. The additional shelves allowed us to move many containers to them instead of sitting around in various places. Each shelf has a 150 pound load rating giving a limit of 600 pounds per unit. Each shelf has slots and hooks that allow the units to connect to each other. It looks like this might be a short term item for Lowes as they didn't have many on hand. Here is a picture and model number of the shelf unit.
Here is a view of our growing storage area. Not shown is the ammo, camping and hunting stuff. The other side of the basement is slated to get a walk-in gun vault.

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