Monday, May 26, 2014

Ice Cubes In Hell

The gun magazines, the TV news and the gun bloggers all tell you that guns are selling like, well, like ice cubes in hell. I'm here to disagree. On three occasions I have tried sell my good, and trusty Bushmaster XM15. It's chambered in 5.56 and has several goodies attached. A Smith Enterprises Vortex flash suppressor, an Ergo grip, a Beaver Tac latch and a NC Star 3x9x46 AR scope with illuminated reticle and the original Bushmaster magazine. In this current attempted sale I have included a Nikon P223 scope, a Colt magazine and 100 rounds of ADCOM M855 steel core penetrator ammo. How many responses have I got? NONE. Zero. Nada. I have had folks inquire as to the price(1000) and that is as far as inquiries go. The gun is outstanding, the price is good and the goodies are expensive. But no takers. On one other attempt at selling this thing, I had the gun and the attached goodies with 6 quality magazines and 500 round of mixed ammo for 1200. This is when you could not find an AR and ammo was next to impossible to find. I had one response, telling me that I was gouging people and had no business asking that price. So please, someone, tell me where the guns are selling like that ice. I have tried selling this when my finances have flagged to no avail. I have struggled through and somehow made it along without selling the gun. But I do need to sell it to have a cushion for the next What The Fuck moment in my life. I will not take a loss on what I have and will not take a fucking jus because I need to sell this. So in the KC region, evidently the gun sales stories are bullshit or people really don't have any money.


  1. Not trying to insult you, but around here a used gun equipped like that goes for $800 max.... $1100 is a new price, and that'd include the ammo....

    Might be interested in your ammo though. Wanna sell it separately?

    Email me.

  2. Naw need to sell the package to pay the bills. And in the KC are the package price is over this amount. It just seems that no one has ant money to spare. Had it sold twice and fell through both times due to lack of funds. Thanks any how!

  3. Those are good site but in order to avoid transfer fees I want to sell locally. I keep checking and my price is not out of line for the KC area. It seems that money is the hold up for most interested people.

  4. Trying to sell and SKS and ammo for a more modest 450 and I am not getting any takers.

    I'm using this to build another basic AR.

  5. If you have a picture and the rest of the information, I will post it.
