Monday, December 22, 2014

Mini Skirt Monday

Since it is winter and all, I thought I would give ya some of skirts. Uhuh yeah...Get ya some of that!

 And could ever forget those teasingly short skirts of E.D. Hill from Fox news?

Or those of that alluring Laurie Dhue?

Thursday, December 18, 2014

File This... Nicholson Files are Crap

As I've mention many time on here, I dabble with making knives and other metal objects and work on guns as a hobby. In these past time I use files. I have always used Nicholson files as this is what is readily available in most hardware stores and various tool outlets. Over the years I have notice that Nicholson file are no longer serviceable. They will not cut gun metal and they will not cut most knife steel. These steels will leave grooves in the file! One ting I have noticed is that Nicholson files are now made in Mexico. I have 10-15 worthless Nicholson files that will be made into knives when I get that segment of my life. It's a pity, in my younger days I could use a Nicholson for many years with proper care. Carding and chalking will go long way to preserving files. Now, you take one from the package and it will make a handful of passes then it's done. Pure crap! I a on the look out for a decent set of files. I have heard that Bahco  makes good files. I do have a few decent ones with blue plastic handles that say Supertainium on them. I got them from a welding supplier but even these are loosing their cutting ability. Does anyone have any suggestions? Leave them in the comment section or even email me. I would only suggest that a person by a Nicholson file if it is New Old Stock. Some that have been sitting on a hardware stores shelves for many years. Do not buy any new ones that say Made In Mexico.

I did find this guy. He has a lot of info an good files.

Plastic Skins

Well, I have started a new skill that one day I hope to turn into a new venture. Kydex forming, making knife sheaths and gun holster and tool carriers from thermoplastics. I have been piecing together the supplies and after making my sons Christmas present I had to coble together a Kydex press. I also had to order the foam for this press and there is none available in Kansas City, none that I have found so far anyway. I made the sheath for a knife I made from an Old Hickory brand butcher knife, I made it in the Kephart style and them modified that to my liking. Then I just knocked out the sheath like I had been doing it all my life. Then just for me and general practice I made a sheath for a Buck 120, which was a real bear and then a holster for a Gerber multi-tool and that was a pain in the ass too. I do not have these two item done yet as I need a couple of more things to finish. I need longer eyelets and a heat gun. And once again I am BROKE. I start back at Home Depot this coming Friday and I got a big ol' raise too for coming back. BUT, all they had was part time so.....

Any way the sheath for the Buck will be in the old style, meant to be carried thrust behind your belt with a finial holding it from sliding through. The finial is on a separate strap of Kydex that will wrap around the sheath body, hence the need for longer eyelets to go through 4 layers.

The holster for the Gerber only needs the belt clip formed and I need a heat gun for that. So until funds are flowing again this, sigh, is on hold, dammit.

The knife...

The sheath is made from .60 digital tiger stripe camo Kydex.

Here is the starting of the sheath for the Buck 120...I think it's gonna  be sexy with the black Kydex and a one inch strip of camo Kydex for the brass finial. More to come.

And finally the Gerber project...

This skill will come in handy for many things, especially when I get my blacksmithing shop going and then my bladesmithing shop in order.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

More On Kalifornia

I regards to my FUCK KALIFORNIA post, here are the details as I feel free to give. My brother, whom I am very close too has had a wreck of a marriage for many years. He like many other people has been out of work for may years. He received a job offer in Kalifornia and accepted it. We packed his incredible amount of tools, furniture and other household and personal item. We talking a full 35 foot semi trailer. They got out to the land of fuckthewhiteguyistan, and he started that good federal job. Shortly after ward he told his teenaged daughter that he was going divorce is wife. The bitch wife and kids later took a trip to mommy dearest's homeland the good ol' Phillipine Islands. Daughter told mommy dearest about the impending divorce and the PI famil discussed it. Evidently in the PI version of Catholicism divorce in not approved unless ther is something horrible happening in the family. So, the day of there departure back to the land of the BIG PX the daughter told her cousins that Daddy had been sexually molesting her for many years. She was 12 at the time I believe. Family come back to the USA and the PI family calls mommie dearest and tell her of the story tols in the PI's. MD calls the cops and tells them this story AND tells them that Daddy has guns and is a violent man. At 2:00AM the trustworthy Riverside POPO execute a felony no knock raid on Daddy's house. 12 guys with machine guns pointing at my brother. They took him into custody and recorded a call the popo made to his daughter. The recording was too damaged to present in court and the police said they threw it away. Many months later when things were not looking good for the prosecution the recording showed up and had been enhanced to a edusable state. It was later found that a written transcription was read aloud and recorded and present as the original recording. The daughter and mommy dearest had a script ready and proceeded to tell a fantastic story of molestation that supposedly started when she was 7 or 8.When the forms were filled out, guess what, my brothers name was not on It, the name of one his sons friends was on it. Now, mommy dearest never noticed anything in all those years, my brother frequently worked out of state and daughter always sent him emails telling him she missed him, loved her daddy and hated her mommy, please come home and save me from mommy...... You get the picture. When her Daddy was gone she was almost in a state of depression, she became withdrawn and childish. When Daddy came home she became a normal animated little girl. He has over 600 emails she sent to him when he went out of state. Months and years go by, Several lawyers took his money and dis nothing. One lawyer told him he was a man and to take what he has coming to him! So now two years have gone by, the prosecution has never once put the girl in front of a judge. The girl has never been taken to a doctor or a shrink. The so called mother never noticed anything and her family never notice anything No one notice or said anything in all those years of supposed abuse.The judge remanded this case back to the local court since the prosecution was never prepared and then told the prosecution how to execute the case! (There will be a lawsuit over this and a disbarment of a judge with the help of the Bar Association) . So finally after two years of hiding the girl, making up stories and coaching her on what to say the big day came. Witness' were flown in from his home state for both sides. In the end the prosecution had NO evidence just say so. The Defense had many people that could and did refute every bit of prosecution testimony. The jury made their misinformed decision and found my brother guilty of 4 counts of child abuse. The jury also referred to his family and witnesses as hicks, rednecks and liars. Now many of the dates on which they claimed these things happened, my brother was not even in the state and had evidence to prove it, the court dismissed that evidence, the court dismissed those 600 emails, the prosecution presented NO evidence. The descriptions his daughter gave came directly from pornographic movies or stories and were worse with every telling of the story. They were filled with lurid, graphic descriptions of sexual acts and depravities. But not one piece of evidence was presented. Now my brother is looking at 14 years in jail and having his name on a damned predator list for the rest of his life. With no evidence.  I can hardly wait to see how the divorce trial come out now.

Thursday, October 30, 2014


ANGER GROWS BY LEAPS AND BOUNDS! FUCK KALIFORNIA! FUCK IDIOTS FUCK JUDGES AND FUCK STUPID PEOPLE ON JURIES! More to come on this matter. Right now I'm so pissed I could.....well never mind what I could. but just in case you didn't understand the first time.....FUCK KALIFORNIA!!!!

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Overturn USC 922

Help this guy overturn USC section 922 which illegally bans and or severely restricts the ownership, manufacture and possession of automatic guns, firearm suppressors and other fine things. Really this could be the crack in the damn that becomes the torrent of legal changes to our way of life.
So, brother can ya spare a buck?

Really, lets help with this.


Rebel Mississippi recommended this to me. Things like this are one of the reasons I do not endorse the NRA, that and being way to ready to bend over for government and gun banners alike.

Take a read of this and  cancel any NRA subs you might have. Then put that money into Gun Owners of America or even JPFO (Jews For the Protection of Firearms Ownership) both good groups and ready to do battle with the minions of gun control.

A Wicked Trio

As I've mention before I have a quite a few knives. I like blades, they always give me enjoyment and I find my fascinated by them. Lately, my interests have run to the tactical, the large and Bowies. Tactical folders have been in my pockets for many years now and I have quite few of them. There's one in my pocket every day without fail.
Bowies are a part of our American history. They were widely carried in a certain part of our countries development, they were carried by Confederate soldiers and greatly feared by United States soldiers. At one time they were the only knife that was illegal to carry. Today they have made a resurgence and quality ones can be had for just a couple hundred dollars. Excellent ones by custom makers can go for 5-10 THOUSAND dollars, look at the fantastic fighting bowies made by Bill Bagwell. During and after the bowie reign, the Arkansas toothpick was on the scene. A very large double edge knife, it too was greatly feared as a combat tool at one time.

Take a look at this deadly trio. The first and largest is my Cold Steel Natchez Bowie. Huge, wickedly sharp and beautiful. It is capable of severing a persons hand or arm, as they say, clean off. The next is a rarely seen folder, a Benchmade Balisong AFCK. The AFCK stands for Advanced Folding Combat Knife. This was the first tactical folder I ever had and carried it daily for many years. This thing was so freaking sharp I cut the tip of my thumb off and DID NOT FEEL IT!  Yep, scary sharp. Notice the hole in the blade, word was they paid Spyderco a fair sum of money for the right to use that hole.
Next up is an Arkansas Toothpick, a Damascus dagger made by an unknown artist probably in Turkey or Pakistan. It has buffalo horn scales on a full tang and Damascus steel guard. If I remember right it has 576 layers or some such number. The edge is like a jillion tiny razors ready to cleave through flesh.

I call these fellows the Wicked Trio, look for yourself. Pretty deadly looking huh?

Since they aren't seen often I've include a pic of the AFCK on it's own.

Now imagine this guy giving you the look on the street with a Bowie in one hand a Toothpick in the other,
For shits and giggles take a look at the picture behind me that hangs in my dining room. Fitting artwork for groups, I say .

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Bosses Redux

Well, well, well. We had ANOTHER meeting at work. Now Her Hotness and I are sharing a cubicle, another salesman has been hired, HH and I are not supposed to be in the office unless we are finalizing a sale, we are not allowed to have our hands in our pockets, offices are just for wasting time (I guess that's why the two bosses seldom leave theirs). Let's see, I was told I had 7-8 classes yet to finish. I was working on the third from the last when I was called into this latest bs meeting. The list went on and on. Her Hotness disappeared later that day, I don't know of she went home sick or angry. She WAS both, sick and angry. She and I spoke  and agreed they will be looking for two new sales people SOON. Utter childish behavior from a sick and twisted individual.

Hmmm, Just wondering

I hope all is well over at Stephens place. He's been promising a story for 2 months now. I know blogging can get the best of us, we all get tired of it and need time off. So with good intentions I wish him well in his business, his life, his love and his site. You never know what that Critter is up too.

Friday, September 26, 2014

What The Fuck?

Comment of the day... "We can't tell you everything you need to know about selling cars but, we can give you enough rope to hang yourself". Really, this was said this morning in a meeting for the new sales people. Hmm, is that some fucked up management skills or what? In the construction trades, he wouldn't last two fucking days in management before either the Union called him out or a muscle bound laborer did. Oh, and the new woman sales person , who happens to be tiny and smoking hot and dresses to heer best advantage, got the standard one hour offsite lunch, leaving me the only sales person on the floor. When it came my turn for lunch, I was told to grab it and get back as &*@$ would be the only sales person on the floor. Uh, unless I'm wrong that is called sexist. Oh and by the by, They don't pay for the lunch hour, so by making me work during my break they tweaked a labor law or two. The day just got better and better! Good thing I took notes!


By the way, all images posted here are obtained under fair use practices. Images were found free on the world wide web via a public search engine and no monetary gain is realised from the posting of these images. So, SUCK IT!

Thursday, August 28, 2014

A New Chapter

Well, after over a year at the Big Orange Box Store, I'm calling it quits. Tired of being the go to guy for everyone, tired of watching department heads stand around, tired of making barely more than the cashiers, some of whom do not know the difference between a pipe and a pipe fitting. Yes I had one ask me that. I'm tired of selling my guns just to get by with life and tired of ignorant customers. Tired of being constantly broke. I mean really broke, I just had to sell the AR to put brakes on my truck.

This new chapter? An industry I have never even considered. An old time friend recommended the job to me and the interview went very well. The position was offered to me on the spot, no waiting, just you got it.

This new gig pays pretty well and gets me off my junk knees that are the worse for wear thanks to the Depot. I have to admit I'm a little nervous about this position. It is entirely dependent on me and my abilities, my gift for gab, my outgoing personality, my rugged charm.

What is it you might inquire. My future endeavor will be selling cars. Yep. A car salesman. For the oldest Chevy dealer in Missouri, Kindred Chevrolet. If I bust my hump and use my extensive contacts, I can make some real good ching. And get back to prepping, getting this old house secured, getting things the way the should be in my eyes. Getting some security in the bank again. And rebuilding my gun collection. This time, no paperwork, none, zip, nada.

Wish me well and if your ever in need of a car..........

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Just A Little Knowledge, Please?

After working at Home Depot for over a year now I am truly scared for humanity.
While working in the lumber department I encountered people that had no clue as to why a 2x4 was called a 2x4. Or why any other board was named after their dimension. I can understand not knowing how to do something but not understanding something as simple as that? I then moved to the electric department. WOW! I am shocked that more houses have not burned down due to homeowner electrical work. I have refused to provide knowledge to folks that seemed like they were gearing up to do a job for someone but had no clue as to what the parts were called, how to install them or any knowledge of electricity and to top it off they were wayyyy stoned and a few were really drunk. Yes, I reserve the right to protect my self from a lawsuit because you are a stoned dumbass. I feel as though I have saved countless lives by denying service to some folks, getting some "contractors" fired and imparting knowledge to good honest folks trying make there homes better.
   I then moved to the plumbing department, much less dangerous but evidently controlling water is a genuine mystery for many people.  I have spent many hours explaining, drawing pictures, looking a stupid cell phone pictures and trying to decipher what the fuck some of these morons are talking about. I had one such dumbass ask what a gas valve did. Uh huh, he did. And no he had no idea what a gas valve did. One customer asked how he was supposed to know how many fitting his new self installed gas line would need. Dumbassery even extends to some of my co-workers. I had a cashier who has worked there for many years call for an SKU number for 1/2 inch PVC. I asked was it pipe or fittings? Her answer? What's the difference? Right, what's the difference. A pipe is like a cock, long, hollow and carries liquid of some sort and fittings are like little condoms that fit on the pipe and control the flow of liquid. Sheesh!

All that brings me to my point. If the shit ever hits the fan a whole bunch of people are going to die just cause they cannot figure anything out. Things like how to heat their house when the electricity goes out, how to fix anything so it will continue to function, how to raise a garden, plan for their families defense, harden their house, procure food, heal the sick, dress a deer, run a trot line, build a shelter or any of the myriad things a person should know. Not strictly for a societal break down but just for every day living. Not having the luxuries of electricity, running water, flowing gas will require brains, know how and determination. And I sse a whole bunch of folks that just won't cut it in a disaster. If you cannot figure out how to put a supply line on your sink, how are you going to know how to drill a well?
After more than a year of interacting with the general populace, I am scared for mankind.

Sunday, August 3, 2014

It's Coming

Lately I've been thinking a lot about the War of Northern Aggression and what it means to us today. I have read several books, mainly about the Missouri/Kansas border war that preceded the War for Southern Independence.
   In the Border War violence was rampant on both sides. Murder, theft and terror were hallmarks of the day. Action, re-action, reprisals were frequent.
By the time the entire nation erupted into a war promulgated by Abraham Lincoln and his cronies, the emotions of the day were running very hot. Battles, skirmishes, raids and naval actions, all pitting Americans against former Americans. I say former as the Southern states involved had invoked Constitutional Rights and legally seceded from the Union. So, all participants from the South were Confederates. Which is ironic as the United States was formed as a confederation of States.
   From the start the Confederates had decided to fight under the time honored practice known as the Just War Doctrine. In contrast, the Lincoln apparatchik extolled the concept of Total War, which is well known today. Total War pits soldier and armies against women, children, livestock, infrastructure, property and the very means to sustain life. Even when faced with atrocities committed by the North, specifically, Sherman and his bummers, General David Hunter and General Philip Sheridan, the South with a few exceptions, fought under the Just War Doctrine.

All the while bullets and shot were flying, Good Ol' Abe was hard at work issuing orders directly to military leaders, completely bypassing the chain of command.  He violated the first, second, fourth and fifth amendments. In fact he personally ordered the arrest of hundreds of pro-south, pro-secession editors and had them imprisoned. He ordered newspaper offices destroyed and even had some folks "disappeared". He even went as far as to order the arrest of one Supreme Court Justice. Habeas corpus was suspended and no fence sitter or secession supporter was safe from this evil man.

When it comes to the issue of prisoner of war camps, horrors abounded on both sides. Astounding death rates, disease and torture were all present. The Northern camps did this willingly or on orders from Washington. The South however had little choice in the matter. Take the infamous Andersonville into perspective. The guards themselves lived on the same rations as the prisoners did, had the same death rate of the prisoners. Conditions were unimaginable. To top it off, the North had destroyed all agriculture so there was little to no food. The North refused to accept any released prisoners, even sending thousands BACK to that hell hole, all calculated to play into the hand of the remaining press, all Lincoln supporters.
When you look at HONEST history, you will see systematic conditions of evil on the part of the North from the President to his Cabinet, to many military leaders to the common soldier.

We then come to modern times. suspension of Constitutional rights is the norm. States Rights are basically dead. The President(s) act independently without Congressional involvement. The Government "allows" us First Amendment zones at the things we are protesting. We have foreign troops in this country training to disarm civilians. We have a police force that is increasingly militarized and much evidence shows they are going wild, beating, shooting, torturing and killing people over nothing. We get no response from our legislators. We have government departments that HATE the American people. We are imprisoned and killed over tax issues, We have had many military leaders fired in the last couple of years and replaced with the Presidents cronies. It is rumored that they were replaced because they refused to say yes to the question of whether they would order troops to fire on US citizens. The list of wrongs perpetrated on us, our families and friend goes on and on.
The venerable, honorable battle flag or any that may relate to it is looked at as a racist banner, even though it was patterned after the St. Andrews and St. Patrick's crosses. It stood for honor, law, respect and defiance. Most do not know that many thousands possibly as many as a million blacks WILLINGLY fought for that flag, side by side with their white brethren.
Today were are at a precipice waiting for that certain trigger that will once again pit brother against brother. And it seems that we have a Government that is willing to enact Total War on a group of people that only want to exercise their God given rights to create a government they can live with.


The Un-Civil War

Three years with Quantrill

Civil War on the Western Border, 1854-1865

Civil War on the Missouri Kansas Border

War Crimes Against Southern Civilians

Gray Ghosts of The Confederacy

Blood On the Streets.

all of these books are available on and has a wide assortment of books all pertaining to the War of Northern Aggression.

Thursday, July 31, 2014


Here is another installment of James Keating's knife coach series. I know this is not the sam as one on one training. In the absence of funds for travel and specialized training this as good as many of can get. pay attention and practice these and all his moves and motions. Notice that he moves like a dancer or a skilled martial artist. Train, train, train.

Friday, July 25, 2014

To The Knife

Kerodin speaks to an issue of which I'm fond of and working on a post about. Heed his words, read the damn Constitution and understand what those guys that wrote it meant.
The Document that we live by, that recognizes our right and freedoms also limits what the government is allowed to do. And it's not what they are currently doing and not what they have been doing for many years.

To the fucking knife!

Friday, July 11, 2014

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Dixie footwear

Just got these in the mail today...

I got them on EBay from rebelmansam. check out his eBay store for lotsa cool stuff

Friday, July 4, 2014

Fireworks AAR

WOW! What a difference a few hours make. I went over a couple blocks to sit in a parking lot and watch the fireworks show at the KC Riverfest. Once I had gotten settled in and the sun came down the action began. Behind me, my street sounded like a pitched battle was going on. Firecrackers galore, aerial shells, jumping jacks and many, many explosions of some sort or another. Prior to the big show I kept hearing a series of sharp explosions and went in search of them. It turned out to be my across the alley neighbor and his propane cannon. The others I could only guess as sparkler bombs, acetylene bombs or M-80's and quarter sticks. The cool thing was that the folks on my street, once they got done, swept up their mess and called it a night! By the way, my house has the wonderful odor of expended fireworks!

Have a happy Independence Day! Remember what this day is all about. Remember what those fireworks symbolize. Remember what out Founding Fathers went through to let us have the lives we enjoy today.

Fourth Of Blah

This is my first Independence Day in the Big City. And so far it sucks. KC has a no fireworks ordinance that is lightly enforced yet has most folks afraid to set any fireworks off. Now there a few folks in my 'hood that are making sparkler bombs or acetylene bombs or something as there have been many loud booms in the area. Personally though, I have been out of M-80's and Quarter sticks for a few years now and no longer have any contact to purchase said items. I am also out of Pyrodex to shoot in my little cannon I made several years ago. So no boom boom for me dammit.
  I made my little cannon from some 2 inch cold rolled steel, a piece of 2" x 2" steel and a length of rebar. I bored a half inch hole in the center of the 2 inch bar and then drilled am 1/8 inch touch hole. I then welded the barrel to the 2 inch tubing and then the rebar to the tubing.  Put in a tablespoon of Pyrodex P in the barrel, hammer in some newspaper wadding, add the fuse, jab it in the ground an touch it off. KAFUCKINBLOOIE!!! Yes it's pretty damn loud. And yes it will send a projectile waaayyyy out there. And it makes an impressive cloud of smoke. But no, I forgot to buy the powder so no cannoneering for me. I am going to the Riverfest tonight which will have a very nice pyrotechnic show. Which mostly bore me now as I used to shoot propyro. And sitting in a chair watching is lot different from touching off a five inch mortar up close and personal.
Here is my little cannon. And don't give me any crap about the welding, I was doing it on the QT at work.

The noisemaker......

The business end...

Does this give you any ideas? It certainly did for me. A series of these electronically fired for perimeter defense? And loaded with buckshot? Or some other nefarious loading such as launching noise distraction devises?

Monday, June 9, 2014

Fencing Fool

By sheer chance I ended up with a three day respite from work. Sunday, Monday and Tuesday to do what ever the fuck I want to do. Or need to do. I made a judgment call and decided to relocate the chain link fence on the south side of my house to the south side of the vacant lot which sits yes, on the South side of the house. Duh! Anyway, I thought all the post were simply driven into the ground but, hell no, they were full on concreted in. I had visions of getting this project done on Sunday and Monday leaving Tuesday all to relaxation and recuperation. After getting a few of the concrete encrusted poles out of the ground I found that I needed to buy several seven footers. Holy CRAP! My employer wants darn hear 20 buck a pop for these things! So, my Step Father and I went shopping the local salvage yards this morning and found five. Five which we bought for the price of one new one.
 Sunday, we got 120 feet of fence taken down and all the poles either removed or cut off and I got all the holes dug in the new location. And let me say digging the holes was a whole nuther story. Rocks, brick, ceramic blocks, roots, steel rods, glass, gravel, basically a hundred years accumulation of detritus that gather under the eaves of a house. Yeah, the property lines are that close in this neighborhood. Many hours and several Vicodin later the holes were done. Today we went wondering the salvage yards. My Step Father was fascinated! He thinks this was the first time he ever wandered a good salvage yard and marveled at all the cool shit folks bring in. Finally back at the lot we got seven poles concreted in before we ran out of concrete, poles of the right size and the rain moved in. So tomorrow I will cough up a few more of my dwindling dollars to reluctantly purchase a few new poles.

This two day project is going to turn into a 3-5 day work out for me. Typical. At least when I'm done it will keep the local trash from using my lot as a public thoroughfare. Maybe. The two board front fence doesn't stop them now so we'll se what a 3 board front fence and a 5 foot high chain link South fence will do. Then, after that is done I will need to relocate the back gate and install a rolling gate to replace the swinging pair there now.
This is Phase One of the security upgrades here at Rebel Central.

Monday, May 26, 2014

Ice Cubes In Hell

The gun magazines, the TV news and the gun bloggers all tell you that guns are selling like, well, like ice cubes in hell. I'm here to disagree. On three occasions I have tried sell my good, and trusty Bushmaster XM15. It's chambered in 5.56 and has several goodies attached. A Smith Enterprises Vortex flash suppressor, an Ergo grip, a Beaver Tac latch and a NC Star 3x9x46 AR scope with illuminated reticle and the original Bushmaster magazine. In this current attempted sale I have included a Nikon P223 scope, a Colt magazine and 100 rounds of ADCOM M855 steel core penetrator ammo. How many responses have I got? NONE. Zero. Nada. I have had folks inquire as to the price(1000) and that is as far as inquiries go. The gun is outstanding, the price is good and the goodies are expensive. But no takers. On one other attempt at selling this thing, I had the gun and the attached goodies with 6 quality magazines and 500 round of mixed ammo for 1200. This is when you could not find an AR and ammo was next to impossible to find. I had one response, telling me that I was gouging people and had no business asking that price. So please, someone, tell me where the guns are selling like that ice. I have tried selling this when my finances have flagged to no avail. I have struggled through and somehow made it along without selling the gun. But I do need to sell it to have a cushion for the next What The Fuck moment in my life. I will not take a loss on what I have and will not take a fucking jus because I need to sell this. So in the KC region, evidently the gun sales stories are bullshit or people really don't have any money.

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Pistol Packin' Teachers

Well one state has finally taken it head out of it's ass, Missouri lawmakers have approved a bill to allow teachers and other school employees to carry firearms during school hours. Let's see if this bill languishes on the Governors desk.
 More states need to wake up and realize that the only way to stop these horrendous school murders is to have legal, trained gun owners on site during normal hours.


Saturday, May 10, 2014

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Coming To America

These scenes will soon be a part of the American history. If the current style of government does not change for the better and soon, there will be a flash point that will ignite the hearts and spirit of the American Rebels. Think the Bundy Ranch was a big thing? I predict the next encounter will have a bloody out come and segue to a bloody future. We are lied to, stolen from, shot, beaten, ignored and have had our freedoms quashed in every way imaginable and it cannot go on. We actually cannot take a piss with out violating some kind of law. We are regulated, taxed, fined, imprisoned and spied upon. We cannot make a phone call or send an email or text that is not recorded or analyzed. Our own cars, cell phones, TV's, and gaming devices send out information about us. The very ones that are supposed to protect and serve, the Police, beat and kill us with impunity.
   The government allows the country to be flooded with illegal immigrants, then allows them to utilize our social services networks and get free schooling. People from certain countries can come to American and get government loans to start a business that are not offered to you and I. And we are expected sit still and shut up. We are expected to take every thing that is shoved down our necks and ask for more, please.
And then they act all surprised when a few hundred armed folks show up at a remote desert ranch to protect and defend a rancher. Well, I believe that was just a practice run and the next encounter will not have the same outcome.

Monday, May 5, 2014

Cinco De Mayo

In honor of Mexico's national holiday known as Cinco De Mayo,  a day that many American use as an excuse to party and get drunk, a day that many Mexican may know nothing of the reason for this holiday, I give you this.

I give you one of these too.

Cinco WTF?

"Students in a California school district will not be allowed to wear American flag T-shirts on Cinco de Mayo, due to concerns that such displays of patriotism would inflame racial tensions by offending Mexican students on their holiday."

Read more:

This is another fine example of bullshit. PC has ruined this nation and stolen our first amendment rights.


"How much land does the federal government own? A 2012 Congressional Research Survey said the federal government owns about 640 million acres, or 28 percent of the nation’s land mass. Roughly 90 percent of that property is in the West.
Put another way, one out of every two acres in the West is federally owned. In Nevada, the figure is 81.1 percent; in Alaska, 61.8 percent; in Utah, 66.5 percent; in Oregon, 53 percent. In Connecticut and Iowa, the federal government owns 0.3 percent of the land."

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And the fuckers want more. That's all they are good for is taking, taking your money, your property and your freedoms. It's high time we put a stop to this monstrosity that is no longer recognizable as the government the Constitution outlined.

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Sunday Nunnage

It's Sunday




Yeah, I know I'm going to hell.

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Bowie? Get Ya Some!

I had every intention of getting up early and hitting the woods in search of more mushrooms. I ended up sleeping in a little and woke to a very painful morning. I skipped mushrooming and spent the morning reading and surfing. What am I reading now? Bill Bagwell's "Bowies, Big Knives And The Best Of Battle Blades". It makes for some interesting reading concerning the history, use, carry, making and science behind bowie knives and other big fighting knives. Most chapters are repeats of his articles from when he wrote for Soldier Of Fortune magazine. In this treatise he compares the lethality of the bowie against the venerable K-BAR, the AK bayonet, daggers and other knives. In doing so he makes some very valid points as to the effectiveness of bowie knives for their versatility and deadly use.
  I did not know that by 1837 three states had made it a felony to kill a man with a bowie. The killing wasn't illegal, the use of a bowie to do it was. He makes the point that New Orleans was a gentrified city but steeped in the European tradition of dueling. But by  the early 1800 one of the favorite dueling weapons was the bowie knife. Using the traditional sword dueling tactics and inventing new ones specifically for this big blade it became a fearsome weapon in the hands of a trained user. And there were plenty of places in New Orleans to get that training. Sword trainers from around the world opened shop in that port city and rough men of the seas were always in the ports and bars. The trainers from Spain had the most influence on the specialty of fighting with a bowie.
   There are some trees in NOLA that are known as the Dueling Oaks. These tree's witnessed over 900 duels a year from 1834 to the Civil War.
     Any self respecting man from the South dared not arrive in battle without a huge knife. As a matter of fact may Northern soldiers were terrified of the Southern man with his giant knife.
By the way, the man this type of knife is named after is a true American Badass. Wandered, explorer, duelist, investor, he was known to rope and ride wild deer as well as alligators too! He was shot and stabbed many times in his life and kept coming back for more.
If you have an interest in bowies, get a copy of this book and find out how awesome this decidedly American blade is.


Thursday, May 1, 2014

Painkiller by Judas Priest

Aaron O'Keefe runs a Band Camp program for aspiring your musical artist and after viewing may of their videos I gotta say, WOW! Check out this cover of Pain Killer by Judas Priest. The heavy metal guitar being played by kids od outstanding!


                           This guy is one cool cat and seems to know knife fighting. Ol' Bill Bagwell recommends him and his company ComTech for knife training. Watch him, he's quick, smooth and has the moves of a dancer. Pay attention now.

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Bill Bagwell: The Deadly Back Cut with a Bowie Knife. Clipped Point Lead...

                                                                                                                                                Bill Bagwell shows what it looks like coming at you.

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

The King of Bowie Knives

Bill Bagwell has been making Bowie knives for well over 35 years. He knows a thing or two about them and even used to teach classes on fighting with a Bowie. He has written a book about bowies and other big blades which I have ordered. His creations are highly prized by those who can afford them, me, I'll have to settle for Cold Steel products.

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Sharp Stuff

I have always liked my knives to be sharp. Very sharp. I started collecting knives when I was a young boy and have most of them today. I usually found the factory edged to be lacking. So, I explored the art of sharpening knives. A common whetstone was my first tool for this. It was my fathers and using it I learned to get my knives shaving sharp. My dad gave me my first quality sharpening device, a Case Moon Stone. It's a slab of white fine grade ceramic that Case marketed back in the 70' and 80's. These are nearly impossible to find anymore.  Even on EBay.

 I kept using Arkansas whetstones for all my sharpening needs and found them quite satisfactory. After I got married, had a decent job and had a family started I invested in a triple stone oil bath stone set that I acquired at a gun show. It is in a plastic case that acts as the oil reservoir and has course, medium and fines stones. I have used it for over 20 years and is just now needing the stones turned over.

Then I discovered the Lansky sharpening system. WOW! I was astonished at the ease in which I could get a polished razor sharp edge in no time. I do need to replace some of the softer stones but the two final stones, ceramics, are as good as the first day I got the set. I gave sets to two of my friends and they love them.

Those items fill my every day sharpening needs. Until I started getting big knives. The Lansky does not work good for big blades and I have grown to depend on that one for most sharpening and lesser on the traditional stones.

 Now with big blades to sharpen I am returning to traditional stones. I am using the 3 stone with success and have ordered some others as well.
 I found this Case hard Arkansas at Smokey Mountain Knife Works. It's a tiny little thing but puts a really fine edge on my standard size pocket knives.
I also got from them these, a Washita  stone and a hard black Arkansas stone. The black one really did a job on a couple of my pocket knives.

This brings us to my latest system. In my tiny house I have lost my Chefs electric knife sharpener. Can't find it anywhere. So I looked around and had a system in mind (the EdgePro) and found it to be very expensive. Then I found someone who thought so too. They took that idea little further a created an alternative. The Gizmo sharpening system. It uses stones in a  similar manner to the Lansky but they are Japanese water stones but the whole system and process is different. And this device does get a knife extremely sharp if you follow the directions. (link to come)

I also ordered an India stone based on a Bill Bagwell video I watched that covered sharpening big bowies. I can't find the black India stone that bill and one of my grandfathers favored. This is what I found. And it seems to work pretty good on my Cold Steel Natchez bowie along with a leather strop

If you own a cutting tool of any sort you need to be able to sharpen it. Get a stone and try it. You'll be glad you did as a sharp knife is far superior to a dull one.

'Tis The Season For "Shrooms

This time of year is very special to me and many others. The spring temperatures, sunshine and rain bring forth a bounty of wild goodness in the form of morel mushrooms. Elusive, delicious, valuable, they can be hard to find or incredibly easy to find.
This year with the on again off again entrance of spring and the reluctance of winter to leave has made for a challenging mushroom season in this area. Yesterday though, our efforts paid off. I called a friend of mine and he along with his wife joined me in a mushroom safari. We climbed down a cliff in the woods to find a spread of the yellow variety of morels. Further searching in all the "right" placed yielded naught. Lots of walking, creeping, looking and searching gave nothing more. We scaled the cliff and regrouped back at the trucks to venture forth to the next site. this one is a tiny Conservation Department holding of 24 acres that has given up its goodness in the past for me. Yesterday was no different except for the places the morels were found. We claimed our treasures and sped to the next two sites which gave us nothing but disappointment. In the end we accumulated over 80 of these tiny woodland treasures.
Worn out, aching, no, HURTING, I returned to my distant home and sliced the morels and placed them in a salt water bath in the refrigerator.
   After waiting as long as I could, late this morning  I enjoyed a mycological treat. Morel Mushrooms dipped in an egg and milk wash, rolled in seasoned corn meal and fried in butter. Oh My God! Revered along with an icy glass of sweet tea, my spirits were lifted and all was right in my world. I spent may hours with close friends, found these wild rewards and enjoyed the fruits of our labors. What could be better?
For this batch I use McCormick's Perfect Pinch Cajun seasoning, similar to season salt but with a slight bite to it. Man what a treat!  Here's a before and after.


Ready to eat.

Of course, while watching the thunderstorm I overcooked the first ones. But ya know what? They were GREAT!

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Tits on a Vine

It's a good thing we didn't raise these when I was a young 'un. They would have kept me humpin' for hours! Vietnamese pumpkins, who'da thunk!