"You mean contrails? A jet engine produces carbon dioxide and water vapor just like every other combustion reaction. When this water vapor hits the cold atmosphere at those altitudes it condenses into solid water droplets, a condensation trail, or contrail."
I ask this, how long has it been since you saw an actual contrail? One that evaporated soon after its creation? Nowadays, they seem to hang around for hours and eventually spread out to cover vast portions of the sky. Many times the chemtrails are in a regular grid.
Here is some info on chemtrails, which have been identified since 1997. Here some more with comparisons of contrails and chemtrails. Here is a site that details some of the chemical composition of the chemtrails. And shows many pictures of planes actually spraying as well as some of the patterns of a sprayed sky. And this site has a link to an upcoming class action lawsuit over chemtrails.
I could keep doing this all freaking night but why? Take that wiki. Chemtrails ARE documented and HAVE been analyzed. The ill health effects have been determined and they are not good.
Now after all that ,
Have a Happy Thanksgiving!
1 comment:
I didn't get my info off Wikipedia. I'm a chemist. Also, my Dad was a mechanic in the AF during Vietnam so I learned a lot about aviation from him when I was a kid. I'm pretty sure I haven't noticed anything different about contrails since my Dad first told me what they were in the early to mid eighties. I've always seen different types of contrails, some dissipate quickly others linger and spread out. Depends on the weather, time of year, etc. To be honest I had never heard of "chemtrails" before so I just thought it was a typo or a small misunderstanding. Little did I know there was such a huge conspiracy theory surrounding them.
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